30 thoughts on “🇦🇷 ARG vs. 🇨🇳 CHN – Highlights Week 2 | Men's VNL 2022

  1. Filipino fans, they not just come to watch and cheer for Team Japan, its very clear on this game that they cheer on both sides especially after a thunderous spike or a difficult save of the ball from falling and great defense on the net obviously they knew and love the sports that it was so popular in the Philippines, can't imagine if a home team is actually playing

  2. China put up a good fight. Their defense has improved. Congratulations to Argentina! Thanks for giving us a quality Volleyball show here in the PH ❤️

  3. Watched this game live. One sure thing the Argentinian volley players are warming the hearts of the Filipino fans. We go gaga everytime Lima gets a point. Or when Vicentin and Loser stretch/flex their legs in front of the crowd.

  4. 局分虽然大比分输了,但是每一局都打得蛮胶着的,双方实力差距其实很小。如果阿根廷出的是主力阵容二中国队还不是最佳排阵的话,这个结论就和你可能成立。这届男排很有潜力,希望张景胤能成为朱婷那样的世界级主攻手。

  5. volleyball is more popular than baseball. Unlike baseball players, those volleyball BIG guys, they don't wear gloves. NO Protection.

  6. This guy that’s casting this game is 100% my favorite but I don’t even know his name I just know his laugh

  7. This was a more enjoyable game than when Argentina played Slovenia ( they thought they were going to have a punch out during the match ) . China put up a good fight but Argentina when they are playing their own style of Volleyball is a joy to watch and they were on good form .

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