47 thoughts on “ARE YOU a LAZY GOLFER driver set up MISTAKES to avoid

  1. Great video Mark! I think you hit a lot of nails on the head with this video. I love these videos because you do such a great job of explaining the how’s and why’s. For me personally I think this great for all my work with junior golfers because it helps with giving insight into ways in which I can help them! So thank you for giving this to the world!

  2. Great instruction! Have noticed lately just how much proper set up affects not only driver, but every shot. When I take my time (not slow play) to set up correctly on the tee, the swing with a good result seems effortless.

  3. Terrific tips Mark. Have had a few driver issues lately, I've made a tweek or two thanks to this post.
    Now drawing 5 to 10 yard bomb balls, still trying to get over the shock of getting it back on the planet, I'll be defiantly referring back to this vid when I drive onto the wrong fairway again. you're a star, loving the content as ever..👏

  4. You guys all use so much jargon it confuses most eg 6.43 -6.50 you might as well been ordering a Chinese…..

  5. I thought the video was great 👍 simple tips on setting up correctly seems a little more important than trying for max distance in the beginning but I would like to see more about the feet being flared out . For two years I thought the pros were all goofy footed, just yesterday an old timer told me to flare my feet out at the golf course and all that information finally came together 🤣

  6. Interesting, when I go to really crank a drive I like a little wider stance, but I always forget to reset my ball position. It is a bit like opening the face of a wedge and forgetting to regrip :P. I think aim is crucial, also knowing if you are left or right eye dominant and then using that info when you aim. For me, I will aim, then address the ball, then aim and address again just to make sure my aim feels right. Can't tell you how many times people I golf with hit beautiful drives out of bounds and and are shocked. Unfortunately I have to tell them they were simply aimed that way.

  7. I use a single plane style swing so I am a bit more upright with the shaft pointing into my left/lead armpit… but i'm also hitting the most consistently straight drives in my group. I am very neutral in most other respects. Aim has become more important now that I can actually hit the direction i'm setting up at… 🙂

  8. I have the WORST aim imaginable. To the point where when I think I'm ready to swing my mate will take a look and pipe up with "Mate, where the F**k you aiming??" 🤣🤣

  9. Hi Mark, I don't disagree with anything you and there are two tendencies I notice with mid-high handicappers: They have the ball too far back in their stance robbing them of distance because they're meeting the ball before the low point and often pushing it right because the face is still open to the target line because they've not got beyond the bottom of the swing. They sometimes think they're slicing when in fact it is a pushed-slice. The other is the lead-foot way in front (closed stance) so to hit the ball on target, they actually HAVE TO swing out-to-in. I'd rather they erred the other way with a slightly open stance so they'd have to swing in-to-out. Keep up the good work.

  10. Mark, great advice. I had to learn to drop the ball back in my stance after I learned the laws of ball flight and how the ball curves, especially with a driver. I get a little lazy with aim and have to remind myself that every shot counts, so aim correctly at a target with good intentions. As Tiger famously said, always be aggressive to your target. Thanks for the info.

  11. Played @golfleicester last Wednesday evening and had to wait on every tee because it was very busy, didn’t mind what so ever because people was out enjoying golf, but the 2 guys in front had some funky driver set ups, 1st guy holding the driver shaft very low and the 2nd guy was a R/H, standing very far from the ball with a high handle and this right foot was raised, virtually on his tiptoes at setup! Very funky, tired his setup on the range on Friday and couldn’t hit a barn door, sadly like him! But he was having fun! #MuppetTourIsTheBestTour

  12. Generally I'm a good driver of the ball – it's a strength of my game, largely because I've drilled it so much. Typically I'm a single digit handicap with the driver during a round (approach and short game are where I need a lot cleaning up to get myself down from a 12 to single digits), and sometimes even flirt with scratch or +. However, there are rounds when driver goes out the window and 9.5/10 times it's because of something in my set-up, aim and/or alignment getting sloppy. The pattern for me is typically letting the handle lean away from the target, which is a big no-no for my power cut shape, as the ball position I prefer to maximize launch leads to pulls and even the occasional dreaded pull-draw/hook if I let the handle lean back. The more attention I pay during the round, usually I'm able to clean it up before I give up too many strokes. It's all in the fundamentals, people – why do you think the Tour pros obsess over the fundamentals so much!

  13. Thanks for this really helpful video. Played this morning and noticed a marked improvement in my drives. Still a way to go but certainly pointed in the right direction.

  14. Dropping the ball back a bit in my stace improved my slice. Strangely, even though I know it helps I easly forget and setup with it forward again. Especially in the back nine after a few holes.

  15. With your foot position, are they parallel to your driver, or is you trail leg slightly back in a more closed position?

  16. This video has found me at the perfect time. Irons and wedges are great, putting average has come way down, handicap down to 11.8 but leveling off all because of tee game. I’ve been using a 7 wood off the tee because I’m lost with the driver. I need to get closer to the green to lower scores and it’s so obvious. Saved this video for my next practice session because I’ve decided I’m figuring the driver out no matter what. Thanks, Mark! Loving the podcast as well. The topics have been great and you all have great insight.

  17. Mark what a wonderful vlog the dreaded slice has crept into my game recently and just watching this has made me rethink what is going on cheers 🏌🏻⛳️👍

  18. Aim is probably my biggest driver sin. I dont usually catch it soon enough, it usually takes me having to feel like im hitting a massive slice and getting a workable draw to clue me in on a major alignment issue.

  19. I like these ideas… My issue is getting weary over the course of a round and narrowing my stance. Setting my hips in the right position is something I’m always trying to remind myself of since I tend to lock up at times. Love the point about aiming though. It’s something that can be easily missed because of laziness.

  20. Good stuff. I am happy to say I would score myself a B+. I might get just a little lazy on checking my aim occasionally while golfing. I do check when I am practicing and I do tend to aim a little left – so need to work on that one. Funny I used to have a golf mate, who sadly passed away a few years ago, but he used to aim way right. So his body would compensate and he would hit a lot of duck hooks to the left. I tried a few times to point it out. I would put a club down at his feet after he hit and show him where he was aiming. So he setup correctly the next time but then he would shuffle his feet a little, and then a little more and end up aiming way to the right again, hit the same hook and then tell me that it was not his aiming. I eventually just gave up and just let him go on. I still chuckle to myself when I see someone doing the same thing.

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