44 thoughts on “Exeter v Harlequins – FINAL HIGHLIGHTS | Gallagher Premiership 2020/21

  1. Watching back, those Last harlequins tries came from poor work from the Exeter winger. First one he didn’t get his man in the tackle, 2nd one he drifted in, not having faith in his team meat making the tackle which left the Quinn’s winger unmarked.

  2. 3:20 I could literally watch on loop… The power to get tackled by 2 guys, stay off the floor with 1 arm and then go charging off as if nothing happened is truly insane. Also love the Quins fans cheering the tackle, only for Simmonds to silence everyone haha!

  3. Couldn’t have wished for a better result tbh, Congratulations Quins! (From a Sarries fan – looking forward to seeing you next season! 😎)

  4. As an american, its often hard to know when to watch these games and where; but we get lucky because of youtube and it is often these highlight vids that show how the overall game was played. This looks like a clash, man. Hope to see the full match in here in a month or so lol

  5. Well done, Quins, so chuffed for you all and for the brand of rugby you've played this year… deserved champions in my eyes! From a Wasp

  6. I’m a saints supporter, but this was the best game of the season as a neutral, I’d have put my house on chiefs winning after Quinn’s semi the week before, they found another gear somehow, well deserved.

  7. Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
    John 14:6 (NKJV)

    Jesus is the only way to heaven.


    Confess and repent of all your sins in prayer
    Forgive those who have harmed you (this will free you from anger) as Jesus forgave you
    Believe Jesus died to blot out your sins and that He is your Saviour
    Believe He rose again 3 days later in the flesh by God's hand
    Be baptised fully immersed in water and be baptised in the Holy Spirit (if possible)
    Repent daily
    By grace you are saved through Faith (belief)
    Live pure and stop sinning
    Follow the spiritual laws:
    Love you neighbour as yourself and love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Believe Jesus is Lord.
    Develop a relationship with God to hear His voice.
    Be obedient.
    Do fruitful charitable deeds.

  8. Joe Marler and Wilco Lowe – absolutely solid and the platform for the backs. These two rampaging props are rock solid and I'm not sure which props globally would get the better of them? They have a decent engine room behind them, but not the biggest or most powerful – this really does show their prowess. Two exceptional props and I hope that their efforts are appreciated by their fans as much as the backs.

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