43 thoughts on “Final Round | LIV Golf Invitational London

  1. I really enjoyed the format and production of the first LIV tournament. Super excited for pumpkin ridge. Looks like they have a great list of courses on their list. The accessibility to stream the events on YouTube is awesome too.

  2. I am happy for Charl and his bank account as well as I guess everyone. Its a shame that Mickelson and DJ are not bothered about playing well. Literally zero competitive juice

  3. interesting that there are only 545k views as I'm writing this and the tournament is over. I believe that's WORLD WIDE views. Not exactly setting the world on fire are they??

  4. Be interesting to see how the LIV tour goes. Honestly though, I'd rather the announcers shut up about the money. I don't care how much money these guys make. I'm only here for the golf.

  5. Everything pat says is Spot on …. Not political … none of anyones business ..bar himself and LiVgolF how much he’s getting$$. .. not forced to play 30 events to keep his card on the never evolving us pga tour – days are Over !!

  6. I went in with doubts about LIV golf. Especially how completely awful the live coverage is handled.
    But I must say I am a huge fan now, I watched every round. The format is really awesome. I love seeing these guys make bank. But most of all I enjoy seeing how happy these guys are, I imagine LIV golf is a huge benefit for their families.
    Hopefully I can make it to a tournament one day.

  7. The way the guys on the golf channel are talking right now reminds me of the way some boxing annalists were talking 15 years ago when the UFC started getting traction

  8. LGBTQ said Greg Norman was perverting the very institue of golf………
    Putin said LIV Golf was wanting to destroy the game…..
    Pelosi and Schumer said PGA was trying to kill LIV in its infancy…….
    FBI is investigating rumor of Greg Norman peeing in bushes on 9th green of the Masters tournament (Twenty years ago)…….
    Bernie Sanders and AOC are saying the PGA is supressing the rights of somebody….somewhere…
    And lastly BLM and Whoppi Goldberg says the whole damn thing is a white problem and recommends both to be disbanded…………

  9. Wake up

    Jesus is coming back a lot of people have been ignoring the warnings since 2020 and the only person you’re hurting by doing that is yourself and you’re family

    God is doing so much and has done so much for you to wake up and understand the times and season you’re living in so you can repent and be saved

    it’s like the days of noah. God sending his servants in love because God loves you to warn you before judgment comes and yes of course human nature

    Human beings ignoring God just like the days Noah mockers and scoffers laughing at the preaching of the word
    scoffing at the preachers and persecuting those that come in love and share in love

    scoffing at the word of God and all this scoffing and mocking even after all that you’ve seen since 2020 and have experienced

    Yet everyday life continuing people oblivious to the coming judgement upon this world like the days of noah and ignoring everything that they’ve seen and are seeing

    ignoring the fact that there’s a war happening in Ukraine which could potentially lead to nuclear war also ignoring the fact that Israel is about to go to war with Iran and China is about to go to war with Twain

    Ignoring the fact that food prices are rising aswell as fuel prices there’s talks of worldwide famines by 2023 new diseases monkeypox after we just had a virus cause havoc on this world for two years and now we have a new one

    yet people are choosing to ignore all this signs when the bible told you that this would happen in the last days

    A time prophesied by Jesus – a time worser then anything that’s happened in this world yet you can still be saved out of that time and out of the tribulation and it’s only through Jesus that you can be saved from the wrath to come and from hell and from eternal Separation from God because of you’re sins for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus

    you’re in the middle of a spiritual warfare light – against -darkness and you have no idea how great or wicked that darkness is nor what that darkness is doing or planning for you

    the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back to judge this world and to put everything right

    God’s will is for all to be saved and for none to perish but time is running out this is not the time to be running away from God but rather to God and for my brothers and sisters in Christ

    my fellow Christians don’t play church you’re either with Christ or you’re not beloved. Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.

    you’re either in the light or in the darkness you’re either on Gods side or Satan’s side beloved Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

    Beloved You have to pick up you’re cross and follow Jesus and deny yourself daily and crucify your flesh daily and be holy because God is holy offer you’re body as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing unto God beloved strive i repeat strive ! to enter through the narrow gate for many will try but will not be able too

    This message is shared out of love to everyone so you can be saved

    So Repent and give you’re life to Jesus accept him as you’re Lord and saviour and receive forgiveness and salvation through Christ Jesus

    Acts 4.12
    And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved

    John 14:6
    6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me

    God bless

  10. 🎉🎉🤡🤡🐳🐳🦠🦠🧞‍♀🧞‍♀🚣‍♂🚣‍♂🏄‍♂🏄‍♂🏄‍♂ God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead He'll give you eternal life

    (Look up at the sky and ask God)

  11. I like it – never boring and you get to see the field all at once not hours apart. Best part I don't have to see some of those stupid "Segments" that have nothing to do with the tournament!

  12. Yawnnnnn! The Korn Ferry tour is much more exciting than this stuff. The show and format reminds of roller skate derby from the 70's. No thanks, it has nothing to do with the mediocrity of the play/players on the LIV but I'll stick to the traditional format of golf…

  13. LIV is an exhibition game and not a real golf tournament like the PGA. It is the players who are in this exhibition who are getting all the benefits and not the dedicated golf fans. Sorry but I am not wasting my time watching these clowns play.

  14. For this being the first tournament the production/commentation was done pretty well. Im sure there will be a ton of changes by the end of the year.

  15. 54 holes, shotgun? That makes Sunday’s, I mean, saturdays final round super exciting to watch, on you tube no less, coming down the stretch/back nine (not). Seems like a premature start to the senior tour pandering to the has beens or not good enough. I would say that such a limited field all but eliminates the possibility of an obscure #500 in the world, having a great week, coming out of no where, and winning but…there appears to be some obscure players already in the field to spice things up. It’s a lame format IMO…Lefty at +10 (aka missed cut in pga being bottom 30% of field 33 of 48).

  16. Thanks for posting. Saying that however; shotgun starts make for poor TV. No drama. You're trying to cover too much. The graphics are confusing on a small screen with the team and individual combination. The commentary needs work. As I said before, thanks for posting,

  17. What a bunch of greedy has beens. No decent players in field. Interesting press conference with a defensive desperate Garcia and a very nervous sweaty Mickelson. This 'tournament' is a joke. Just take the Saudi dollar guys.

  18. One problem is that the average fan watches the majors and we don't know if LiV has any majors. THE US OPEN WILL BE GREAT BECAUSE ALL THE PLAYERS CAN PLAY. The PGA and the Masters might not be as good, but I will still try to watch part of it because that is what I do on golf major weekends. British open not so much cuz it is not on American soil.

  19. This is like watching celebrity YouTube boxing events. Great fun and lots watch. But it will never beat the best playing against the best. Unless everyone leaves the pga tour for liv golf this will basically just be a celebrity golf outing in my opinion. Great concept but they need the best players in the world there. If the majors block them from playing I can’t c liv going anywhere apart from poaching players at end of their careers

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