45 thoughts on “Garcia, Westwood & Kaymer Wednesday Press Conferece 2022 LIV Golf Invitational Series Portland

  1. Just a legit Question to the players out there; Do you really think 54 hole tournaments are the future of golf?
    Then fuck off and at least be real with your answers.
    This is some of the most preposterous shit I’ve ever heard. This ain’t real golf.
    Even before we get into where the moneys comin from

  2. They have to look themselves in the mirror every morning. NY times reporter ask the right question. Bs answer from all three.

  3. It's really funny how none of these LIV players are competitive anymore, and the best of them are notorious douches. Is there a single one of them that will be missed?

  4. I’m with LIV. I live in the Pacific Northwest. It’s not like the PGA tour would ever come out this way. The PGA tour owns many of the courses they got their events on and never come out this way. Pumpkin Ridge is beautiful course and could easily host a PGA event.

  5. Don’t know what the fuss is about. People get head hunted / move jobs all the time. It’s a career and about earning. All these muppets getting their knickers in a twist about PGA vs LIV need to grow up and stop whining.

  6. All these money grabbing pro golfers who of late couldn’t win a shag in a brothel, just play for blood money and nothing else. Galleries are smaller than a normal club championship and as i dais, these money grabbing ex golfers only play for the blood money and don’t give a shot about human rights.

  7. I think these three players made a great move to LIV golf and pocket the money offered by the Saudis. It’s not like they were ever going to win again on the PGA Tour.
    Maybe over there they can be relevant again with a presence in their press conference once in a while.

  8. I lost count of the number of times the word “exciting” was used. They’re really trying to sell it. These guys are all dancing for their Saudi puppet masters. Sad.

  9. Money over loyalty and honor. Wonder if these guys will be brave enough to liv in Saudi land with their wives and kids.

  10. just call it what it is, guys that truly believe they cant win on the PGA tour and are getting the chance to get easy Money, Nothing more FORE!!!

  11. It would be awesome if LIV creates its own Open major with a massive purse to attract any one who wants to play. It may attract even more tour players .

  12. I'm not picking sides. But if this goes to court, I think the players are going to win. Like when Casey Martin sued the PGA for a cart. I believe a jury will take the players side.

  13. Let's see, we had to pay the Golf Channel to watch the PGA other than on the week end. Then we had to pay ESPN+ to watch the PGA other than on the week end. Now, they want us to pay to watch LIV golf. HMMMM are any pro's on the stock exchange? I'd like to buy in.

  14. Why does it have to be us vs. them? As Lee said, competition is good. And if LIV was so bad, why did the PGA Commissioner implement high purses, team events, and alike that are similar to LIV? I think the PGA leadership needs to stop using the republican-democratic political playbook (us vs. them mentality). I am looking forward to this week's event.

  15. They don't care about Ryder Cup!! They are tired, golfing is a grind, kills your body and mind. These guy need to make as much money as they can, like all athelets.

  16. It's OK to take the Football World Cup to Qatar if we speak about human rights and working conditions building stadiums for those that died in the process? If yes, then LIV golf shouldn't worry

  17. They all say the same thing, " I can see more of my family now" if the Saudi money dried up and were only getting what the PGA pay or less will they still say " I can see more of my family"
    Bollock's!!!!!! It's one reason and one reason only 💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸💸!!!!!!!

  18. Koepka, Phil Mickeslon and the other LIVs missed the chance to send a signal to a government which violates human rights. He is a famous man who could have helped a little to improve peoples lives in Saudi Arabia. Instead he and othe famous LIV players sold themselves to an opressing regime not caring about anything but their own wealth of which they have enough. It is disgusting and primitive how some of them do not try to disguise their actions while others invent stupid , cowardish excuses. Mr. Koepka, in Saudi Arabia, you and your wife could not walk around in your g-strings as you like to display your not so small butts . Women cannot even go alone to the shopping mall – they do not enjoy the same rights your wife enjoys and yet you do not care but you care about your wealth. You LIV players could have made a little difference with your lives but you failed as humans – now your golf records will not matter anymore !

  19. It’s not the PGA tour fault or problem none of you guys go to dinner or hang out with out other players. That’s a YOU issue. These guys sound like a bunch of bench warmers complaining they don’t get treated fairly

  20. It’s just a gravy train for the greedy,but apparently they all think it’s very exciting !!!!,which of course it’s really isn’t. I personally think it’s very disappointing watching great golfers I once admired, pretending this is the future of golf, and calling it a tour.

  21. It sucks what happened to Jamal Khashoggi. But PGA are such hypocrites. 12 Mexican journalists have been brutally murdered by the cartels in Mexico. Not one word. Why is the pga not pulling out of those tournaments next year. You know the cartels skimmed some off the top in those events so I find it hypocritical to be blasting the saudis but not saying shit about the Mexican journalists. What about current and former pga sponsors ie Deutche, RBC. You think their hands are clean?🤔 We can do this all day

  22. golf isn't sport! when you have a cart girl bringing you drinks when you play. it is not a sport! i wonder if any of the LIV golfers are gay? How will the Saudis deal with that?

  23. Saudi money is so tainted by the despotic regime and the murder of Jamal Khashoggi . DONT LET SAUDI ARABIA BUY ITS WAY TO RESPECTABILITY

  24. Sorry Martin. If you are a kid in Saudi Arabia you are only seeing what the leadership chooses to show you. Can’t even watch the new Toy Story movie. Are your kids ok with that? Are you? I hope not.

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