26 thoughts on “Golf mates KICK OFF over rules breakage

  1. You're both wrong. If it's red stakes he has 3 options.
    1.) Drop from the original position incurring one penalty shot
    2.) Take two a club length drop from where the ball crossed the hazard
    3.) drop the ball on a line between the original shot and the point it crosses the hazard

    So, Mr.Barlow should have played his second ball and be on for 3

  2. The red sticks look like they indicate (rather than define) the penalty area, which is the ditch. His ball is not in the ditch: it's on the other side. I don't think that the red sticks in the distance denote the far edge of the same penalty area. Free relief for staked trees may not apply to those little saplings – they are not trees, they are planted to become a hedge. However they are an abnormal course condition outside the penalty area, from which free relief should be available. The nearest point of complete relief, not nearer the hole, is further back from where the ball is on the far side of the ditch.

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