20 thoughts on “Playing golf with 30 CLUBS | Did my score improve?

  1. I play with 12 clubs, and honestly if i only took my odd irons i doubt my score would suffer. An easy 5 and solid 7 are so close that my angle would always be a bigger decider

  2. I generally have 14 clubs in my bag, with a max of 16. I don't play tournaments, my friends don't care (and often have more), and I only have the extra when I'm on the course and might want to test a club.

  3. There is actually a phenomenon (well known in marketing) called The Paralysis of Choice. Where too much choice actually causes paralysis in making a choice decision.

  4. I’ve never laughed at one of his videos until he said ‘the contact I’m getting with these left handed clubs is alarming’

  5. I’ve never laughed at one of his videos until he said ‘the contact I’m getting with these left handed clubs is alarming’

  6. I’ve never laughed at one of his videos until he said ‘the contact I’m getting with these left handed clubs is alarming’

  7. I think the ultimate answer to the original question of “what happens if you double your clubs?”…. Massive back problems.

  8. see I would have attacked this totally different and rather than focus on specs i would've just done every possible club: dr, 3w, 5w, 7w, 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h, 3-pw, 52, 56, 60, putter for 20 clubs

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