31 thoughts on “Steph Curry Played In Our Golf Tournament – Fore Play Episode 473

  1. Big Fan of Austin! Would be cool to have a random barstool classic guest on after each tournament for these classic podcasts!

  2. Can we please have Austin as a recurring guest? Very interesting and great guy that deserves the spotlight. Your chemistry with with him is also fantastic!

  3. Loved Austin on the pod! So random, but so interesting. You should do this more often with guys that have interesting jobs!

  4. If you guys walk into the Cross Keys bar in St Andrews wearing a sports coat, it will be like the scene from Trainspotting when the American goes into the bad looking for a piss😂😂

  5. Frankie straight to fat shaming the pilot is peak Frankie, he was fucking Trent up too earlier lmao ! Shoulda let him squeeze that shit out before y’all started lol

  6. Austin, bud, the FAM stuff is a big no no to talk about! I'd ask Barstool to edit that out! 18 yr major airline captain….

  7. Frankie what is up with the fat shaming questions? The only one you embarrassed was yourself. Trent apologized on your behalf. The interviewee was all class

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