44 thoughts on “Trent's Striking His Irons As Well As He Ever Has – Breaking 90 Episode 4

  1. the putting… time to do a video of trent sinking 100 putts from 3 feet. cant leave until he drains 100. unsure about max length for youtube videos tho

  2. 5 weeks a go I had my had a full knee replacement on my left knee . I was back hitting golf ball in the second week . Chipping then putting. Yesterday I played 9 hole first game in 5 weeks 45 was not happy with that . Then played another 18 with a mate and shot a 87 off the stick . I was pissed with my self . My mate said hey 5 weeks a go you had your left knee in peace giver your self a break. WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW ME WELL I do no realy care about the score its how I hit it that sound I am after when I hit it right.

  3. One in your dream your a 87 golfer. Spend your time putting try it one hand with your right hand 30 putts and 30 with your left hand. Maybe I should make a video on how to break 90 . Kiss . You so many extra shot to play with

  4. Put the driver in the bag . Spend time putting and chipping more and do not be so stiff AND Stop make excuses why your playing bad . You have a game plan and do not compair your set to a pro that's funny. Take one extra club swing slower and it will come and stop trying to kill the ball your not a pro. By the way I pay off 9 handicap

  5. Can someone please show Trent a video of his putt stroke and how he only hits the top half of the ball. Unreal. Practice putting mate

  6. Watched this video again and noticed Trent is basically topping his putts. There’s no way to have speed control when you don’t hit the putter solid.

  7. Is anyone going to get Trent to stop rolling his hands over with the putter? How can you consistently make 4' that way? You want to break 90, be really good inside 6' putting. My buddy who is way older than me (62), hits this ugly cut every shot. Maybe carries it 200 with the driver. Not really good at much including chipping, but he can putt really well. He will play the back tee's with us and always breaks 90. Thats with him taking 3 to get on half the par 4's, and when he does reach it driver hybrid.

    Long story short, if trent doesn't learn how to keep the blade square while putting, he isn't going to break 90 often.

  8. Trent… i love you buddy. But the greens make me cringe. Please post an episode of you doing putting practice an hour a day for a week before playing again. Then play but dont expect to putt perfect, but just keep track of your putts through 18. Work on dropping that number, and you honestly should easily break 90. Driver is close to perfect, irons are getting so good. Chipping is better. Putts from the fringe are okay. But the putts on the green are horrendous. Keep grinding dude!!

  9. In all seriousness, can Frankie break 90? Looks like he barely can. Trent isn’t that far from being the second best player in this group

  10. I’ve never seen someone so bad at putting😂😂 I’m halfway thru the video and he hasn’t made a putt outside of 2 feet

  11. Dude he literally doesn't even need to practice that much putting…30 feet and in and a fuck load of 5 footers….he literally just needs to not 3 putt

  12. Forget the range, you're only driving it 200 yards anyway. Warmup with chipping and putting next time.
    Any numpty can top the ball twice down the fairway every hole and get to within 40 yards. My 82yr old grandfather hits 2 170yrd 3 woods and gets to the edge of the green. Up and down produces low scores, not squeezing a few extra yards out of irons or woods.

    Also, mark your damn ball and line it up when putting. You do all this walk up and down the line stuff to feel the break under your feet, then you just hit. Hit to what? Where's your line? If you line it up at least you'll get feedback on whether it was the read or the stroke if the ball wobbles all over the place.

  13. If Trent only had 4 hours a week to practice, this is what his breakdown should be:
    • Driver – 15 minutes
    • Irons – 15 minutes
    • Chipping – 1hour 30 minutes
    • Putting – 2 hours

  14. I’m wondering if Trent has any feel for his putter. Maybe instead of hitting at the range before a round he should hit the practice green.

  15. You’re putting up on the ball and hitting the bottom of the club. Get the middle of the face moving through the putt and you’ll be golden! GL

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