30 thoughts on “Bombshell TWIST In $363M Rebel Tour As Norman's #1 Ally QUITS..

  1. I hope they get together with putin he could get them to go there another hatred of humans , mind you all the players would have to be from the east

  2. If the PGA Is so against countries that ignore Human Rights Why don’t they ban all clothing and golf equipment being used by golfers that ordinates in the sweat shops in China

  3. If the PGA Is so against countries that ignore Human Rights Why don’t they ban all clothing and golf equipment being used by golfers that ordinates in the sweat shops in China

  4. Fu greg and phil and anyone who plays for the saudis. They hate America. They blew up the world trade center. Do you guy's remember 911? This is insanity. The human rights violations are barbaric. This sucks. Phil was my favorite player. I'm vowing to never watch a sudi tournament.

  5. Why destroy a tradition that has been around for over 100 years, hundreds of major memories. Every player who has switched should have all history with the PGA erased

  6. The Saudis better watch over their shoulder when they come to America to host their LIV tournaments. With what the Saudi's did on 9/11 and these high gas prices most American's didn't forget and are disgusted with their Saudi bullshxx.

  7. Rose Colored Glasses by many. 23 of the top PGA Sponsors do business in Saudi Arabia, will the PGA drop them ?? Its no Different. The Womens PGA number 1 Sponsor does huge business in Saudi Arabia, will they Drop them. AND with your logic, Formula 1 wouldn't be in Saudi, World Cup Soccer went to Saudi. China heavily involved with NBA. China just had the Olympics. Bidens of to Saudi Soon to beg for Oil. The hypocrisy is as bad as it gets. OH AND BTW, those shoes you are wearing, most likely made in a Chinese sweet Factory by a kid earning $2 a day. ( that goes for half the stuff in your house ) Including the Screen you are reading this on.

  8. So Biden can go visit Saudi Arabia to sign a defence pact and beg for more oil (after running on a campaign to 'end fossil fuels") no questions asked but the golf world is up in arms over Norman's LIV as it's backed by Saudi oil money, the hypocrisy is unbelievable!!

  9. I will not watch any of this crap I hope it does collapse and I hope the PGA doesn't reinstate the detectors bunch of money grabbing baby's. I'm also glad Phil Michelson missed the cut at the US Open.

  10. I'm tired of the PGA, they don't have a right troll people, there's enough corruption going on, the PGA can go F , themselves for all I care.

  11. This has the potential to end the continuation of the grand legacy of the PGA. This is not just about any competition, and if it is, it is a competition between democracy and authoritarianism. And it is also a competition between money and humanity. If all of our decisions come down to money, then we lose all pretense of the inherent value of soul. That is on all of us, as we make those decisions all the time. Yes, money is good and we need it and can use it wisely and well. But if all of our decisions come down to money, we lose the real reasons for having it.

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